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Welcome to Extreme English 4 Kids & Teens, created by Christina Ann Phile Traverso and founded in 2008!  EE4K has been teaching English to Italian youth from age three to twenty-three since 2004.  Through rigorous lessons, hard work, and lots of play, students learn to love and appreciate learning English, knowing they are working towards a better future for themselves, full of numerous academic and job opportunities.  Extreme English 4 Kids & Teens strives to guide students to become bilingual before finishing high school.  Becoming bilingual is a long process, and students who begin early have an enormous advantage, especially when confronting difficult English exams.  At Extreme English 4 Kids & Teens, students prepare for exams beginning in 2nd-year elementary school, and they go through the various CEFR English levels at the following pace:

CEFR B2 - 3rd Year Middle School/1st Year High School
CEFR C1 - 3rd Year High School
CEFR C2 - 5th Year High School

With a CEFR C2 certification, students go above and beyond the minimum requirements necessary to be accepted into university departments in English worldwide.  EE4K Staff is dedicated and determined to help students reach those goals, allowing them to enter adulthood prepared for any opportunity, inside or outside Italy.


hard! Play


Lorenzo Traverso Art

Benvenuti in Extreme English 4 Kids & Teens, creato da Christina Ann Phile Traverso e fondato nel 2008! Da 2004 EE4K insegna l'inglese ai giovani italiani dai tre ai ventitré anni. Attraverso lezioni rigorose, duro lavoro e molto gioco, gli studenti imparano ad amare e apprezzare l'apprendimento dell'inglese, sapendo di lavorare per un futuro migliore per loro stessi, ricco di numerose opportunità accademiche e lavorative. Extreme English 4 Kids & Teens si impegna a guidare gli studenti a diventare bilingue prima di finire la scuola superiore. Diventare bilingue è un processo lungo e gli studenti che iniziano presto hanno un enorme vantaggio, soprattutto quando si confrontano con difficili esami di inglese. Presso Extreme English 4 Kids & Teens, gli studenti si preparano agli esami a partire dal secondo anno della scuola elementare, e attraversano i vari livelli di inglese del CEFR seguendo questo ritmo:

CEFR B2 - 3a scuola media/1a scuola superiore
CEFR C1 - 3a scuola superiore
CEFR C2 - 3a scuola superiore

Con la certificazione CEFR C2, gli studenti vanno oltre i requisiti minimi necessari per essere accettati nei dipartimenti universitari in inglese in tutto il mondo. Il personale di EE4K è dedicato e determinato ad aiutare gli studenti a raggiungere quegli obiettivi, consentendo loro di entrare nell'età adulta preparati per qualsiasi opportunità, all'interno o all'esterno dell'Italia.

extreme english staff

Extreme English 4 Kids & Teens staff consists of English-speaking freelance English teachers who teach English out of passion.  We have no in-transit teachers, which allows us to follow our students closely from year to year, allowing us to reach specific and rigorous objectives with each student.  Our goal is for students to become bilingual in speaking, reading, writing, and listening in English before finishing high school, an ambitious and arduous task.  Our teachers also speak Italian, which is necessary when teaching an intermediate to advanced English grammar.  Teachers work with student groups according to their age-specific unique capabilities.  Christina and Niccoló work with preschool and elementary school students covering beginning and intermediate English learning.  Christina, Giorgio, and Niccoló work with pre-teens and teens from fourth-year elementary to second-year middle school students covering intermediate English learning.  Christina, Elisa, and Fabiola work with students from third-year middle to high school, carrying students through intermediate and advanced English learning.  Teachers regularly communicate and closely monitor every student's English language learning experience by working together as a team.

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